New Years and New Gears…Top 3 Things to be Grateful For This Year

Number 3  Inviting 
Ballerinas to Texas Rodeos

As I pedaled through Pakistan and Iran dressed like a ballerina at a Texas rodeo breaking all culturally appropriate rules just by breathing, I owe 100’s of thank-you’s  to everyone on route for the kindness, encouragement and wonderful camping spots, and meals shared.  Most of all thank you for your open mindedness and overlooking my oddness for a lone woman cycling in these areas is about as odd as a ballerina at a Texas rodeo.

Number 2 Pandemic The Magic Bicycle

Now, if you had asked me when I was young what the most significant relationship I would have at this age, I would of never imagined it would be with a magic bicycle. But here I am a solo female cycling around the world since 2009 with Pandemic The Magic Bicycle, the love of my life.  Other then a brief affair with Dansey and my recent marriage to my hubby Rohloff it has always been Pandemic.  Thanks Pandemic for rolling with me this year.

Number 1 Tackling The Lonesome Blues

Thank you to all of you for the comments, FB and Twitter messages.  My writing style has been described by some as unique; others have said I am crazy.  Well, every day is a festival if you are already crazy.  Maybe, I just like festivals. However, I am lacking company on the road most days and on a bad day, I write until I laugh and that makes me feel better. So, thank you to all of you because without your encouragement to keep sharing I might have lost my mind or at least the other half while I was bicycle touring solo around the world. I also may have found alternative less healthy methods of tackling the lonesome blues. Thank You to YOU and Happy New Years and New Gears everyone!

1 comment:

Diana said...

A reminder that you don't have to be alone to be lonely. Riding is definitely a way to beat the lonesome blues. Also isn't there an old saying for some places that say, you don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps.

I love all of your blogs - dirty laundry or princess.

Have a safe and happy new year!

Skalatitude..."When humans and nature are living in harmony there is magic and beauty everywhere"
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