
If you would like to catch up with me, I love to talk about solo female adventure cycling, and my upcoming bookl so feel free to get in touch, facebook, twitter.  I am also available for "virtual visits" on skype and will pretty much talk to anyone especially if there is food involved.


WOW (Women On Wheels) Emily Chapel surprised me with her beautiful tribute to her heroes.  I continue to be utterly humbled and flattered to be mentioned in the same sentence as Dervla Murphy.


I interviewed a few weeks back with Myscha Theriault. The story hit the international news wire and appeared in the LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Calgary Herald and others.  Myscha Theriault is a syndicated columnist for McClatchy-Tribune, best-selling author, and professional blogger whose work has been featured by Forbes, MSN, the Los Angeles Times, Boston Herald, AOL, Fox News and others.  Presently she is following me and writing about my adventures in Africa. It is sure nice to see us bicycle tourist have another supporter.

Huaraz Telegraph, Huaraz, Peru
Pagina Siete, La Paz, Bolivia


Lisa Evans from print magazine Pedal Magazine is apparently a big fan. I loved her interview questions and the feature article Women on Two Wheels, Loretta Henderson

The folks over at the independent travel magazine Vagabundo had a laugh at one of my earlier articles about crossing Mongolia called "The Other Butt Cheek". 

Women’s Cycling CA Magazine ask me about pedaling the outback of Australia.

Bicycle Traveler Magazine published my article 'God Bless The Sinners' and my article 'It's Great To Be A Man In Baluchistan' about crossing the Pakistan/Iran border will be published next month.


SABC2-HecticNine-9  youth show will be interviewed me on live TV. 

Geo News in Pakistan caught up with me when I crossed the Chinese border into Pakistan.  Initially, I hide from the camera and then I had some fun talking with them about the bicycle ambulance charity, female adventure travel and cycling around the world. They popped up to talk with me several times during my crossing of Pakistan. 

As I came down a hill in Kashmir, India half asleep I was stopped by Indian National TV.  I am still not sure who they work for but if the documentary they were making goes "viral" (yeah, right), I am sure someone will let me know. The road was full of glaciers, so I talked about bicycle touring, breakfast and glaciers.  It was early, I was half asleep, I could not think of what else to ramble on about.  They later gave me cake and water, that was a fair trade in my book.

Podcast itunes
Touring Talk with Amaya
Pursuit Zone with Pursuit Zone

CJSR, the Edmonton, Touring Talk Canada radio station caught up with for a podcast about touring the world by bicycle. You can listen to it here

Here are a few of my favorites interviews and guest posts. 

Just a little girl talk with Emily Chapell, where 6 experienced women cyclists talk guessed it, bicycle touring, boys and life on the road.

Best Blog Of The Year 2011
Chic Savvy Travels wrote an article about me called 'Adventures Of A Solo Cyclist, 18 Countries and 33,000kms'

My article 'Cycle Touring Solo? Boo hoo hoo, How to Tackle Those Lonesome Blues' published at Cycle Path Toronto

My article 'Solo Female Bicycle Touring, Is It Safe To Be Pack'in Estrogen'? Published at Alastair Humphreys 

My articles have appeared in 4 different languages in a dozen countries and are referenced by more then 100 websites.  I would like to thank everyone on the internet, TV and print for helping spread the word, that YES indeed solo female bicycle touring around the world is possible.  

If you would like to catch up with me, I love to talk about female adventure travel and bicycle ambulances so feel free to get in touch  I am also available for "virtual visits" on skype and will pretty much talk to anyone especially if there is food involved.
Skalatitude on Twitter
Loretta Henderson on Facebook

Skalatitude..."When humans and nature are living in harmony there is magic and beauty everywhere"
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