Pitter patter my heart, oh la la, it’s Valentine’s Day. My e-mail box was loaded this week with links galore in the celebration of Valentine’s Day throughout the cycling world. After all my recent talk about my reunion with my hubby Mr Rohloff Wheel, I am not surprised.
A survey by Bike Magazine confirms this week that 50% of men and 58% or women prefer their bicycles to sex. One funny commentator states the obvious when he mentions they must have bad sex lives. Into the google search box I went, and googled everything from bike love to bicycle pornography to uncover the connection between bicycles, love and the coining of the term bike porn.
Bike porn defined by the bicycle tourist glossary of terms as…spending hours drooling over photos of bicycles and/or touring equipment found either on the internet, in print or on the street…harnessing a deep seated desire to fondle and/or ride while groaning oh la la at the possibilities. Other symptom of this seductive affliction include, salivating over maps and telling everyone who will listen that you want to go on a bicycle tour.
The google search was fruitful and came up with a spectrum of information ranging from the history of Valentine’s Day to tandem bicycle riding dates. However, I do not suggest goggling bicycle porn for my eyes blushed wide with an entourage of truly explicit photos of bicycles in all sorts of ludicrous scenarios of oh la la on a cross bar. A quick click of the mouse and I remained on track in my quest for some bicycle porn photos to share. Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone, here are 5 reasons to celebrate!
It’s the first date that matters
Flowers never hurt, although no relationship is without hard times
Nothing better than spicy up the relationship (photocredit)
Those who ride together might just stay together forever
My ROgre wishes your Pandemic a Hap-pee Valley tiny day. Rob
Happiest of Days, Cupid wounded or otherwise. Take Good Care of the Magic.
Have you ever done something without thinking and then, several second think to yourself "oh my god! Did I just do that? I MUST be weird!"
Well, thanks a lot Loretta. You just exposed me, to something I did not want, did not expect and may need therapy for.
Thanks a much Loretta. I'm still in shock. That third picture, you know with the red gift wrapped giant sized valentine feline.
I clicked on it to make it larger. I wanted it full screen. So I could read the name of the bike!!
- Pavel (the sad)
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